LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Posts Tagged ‘NewLaw’

Posted In: NewLaw Business Models

What Do You Have to Lose? In 2021, Dare Greatly.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of

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Posted In: NewLaw Business Models, Organizational Structure, Strategic Planning

What If… Chambers Ranks Law Firms Alongside ALSPs?

This article was first published on August 20, 2020 by’s Legaltech News:  By Lucian T. Pera (Adams and Reese) and Yvonne

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Posted In: Legal Project Management, NewLaw Business Models, Organizational Structure

Why Clients Choose ALSPs? It’s Not About the Cost! Part 1 on Law Firm Competitiveness

By Susan Raridon Lambreth and Carla Landry Whether they want to be part of the conversation or not, law firms are hearing more

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Posted In: Law Firm Resilience, Talent Strategy

What if….(A Possible NewLaw Talent Pipeline)?

Remote working, the economic slowdown, and tighter budgets following COVID have really become a burning platform for change. How can the legal profession

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