LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Posts Tagged ‘law firm consultant’

Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Leadership Support & Development

Effective Leadership in 2021 and Beyond

This article was first published June 29, 2021 in PinHawk’s Legal Administrator Daily. There is nothing more rewarding for business leaders than helping

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Posted In: Profitability

Your Realization is Wrong and What to Do About It

Realization, the long-standing hallmark of law firm performance, is ready for a makeover. While the metric is not inherently flawed, its calculation and

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Posted In: Business Development, Legal Sales

Law Firm Business Development: Top Tips for Client Growth

Retaining and expanding existing clients must be, or remain, an essential strategic imperative for the survival of any firm today. Firms for years

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Posted In: Legal Process Improvement, Legal Project Management

ALSPs: It’s Not If You’ll Use Them, It’s How

Few people attend law school with the vision of spending most of their days on document review. Not that there’s anything wrong with

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Posted In: Practice Group Management

Practice Group Success: Don’t Just Plan, Implement (Part 3)

This was first published June 14, 2021 in PinHawk’s Legal Administrator Daily. Can your practice group have a direction without goals? Not likely.

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Posted In: Practice Group Management

Practice Group Success: Don’t Just Plan, Implement (Part 2)

This was first published April 6, 2021 in PinHawk’s Legal Administrator Daily.  To implement your practice group vision, you need a good plan.

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Posted In: Organizational Structure, Strategic Planning

Instant Coffee, Model T, and Changing Tastes

Want to stand out? This coffee station at my vacation rental reminds me of Henry Ford’s famous quote about being able to have

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Posted In: Mergers & Acquisitions

What if Your Law Firm is NOT Getting Merger Calls?

The law firm world is facing serious consolidation pressures right now.  Public numbers on “closed” deals would suggest to any uninformed reader that

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Posted In: Legal Project Management, Uncategorized

The Role of Business Development in Legal Project Management

This article was first published May 26, 2021 in PinHawk’s Law Firm Marketing Brief. In my recent interviews with speakers for the upcoming Global

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity

Apathy at Work? In Two Minutes, Get Your Team to Care Again (Tip #1)

This article was first published May 24, 2021 on PinHawk’s Legal Administrator Daily. Admit it. After over a year of being kept in

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