LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Posts Tagged ‘change management’

Posted In: Profitability, Uncategorized

Your Profitability Change Matrix

    Changing Legal Last week I announced my role as a co-founding member in the Changing Legal (CL) think tank (link). CL

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Posted In: Legal Process Improvement, Profitability

Using the Power of Personality to Drive Law Firm Change (part 2)

This post originally appeared November 17, 2020 in PinHawk’s Legal Administrator Daily. Law firms no longer have a choice. They used to. When

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Posted In: Legal Process Improvement

Herding Cats: Focus on the End Game

This post originally appeared September 28, 2020 on Legal Administrator Daily. Law firms no longer have a choice. They used to. When markets

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Posted In: Practice Group Management, Uncategorized

The Practice Group Leader as Change Agent, Part 1

By Susan Raridon Lambreth and Dr. Larry Richard Even when business is rolling along as usual, Practice Group Leaders are among the most

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