LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Posts Tagged ‘associate retention’

Posted In: Compensation & Performance, Profitability, Talent Strategy

Shifting the Conversation on Associate Compensation: From “What Can We Afford?” to “Where Should We Be?”

There may be no single economic challenge facing law firms today bigger than the current war for talent.  Driven by transactional practices, the

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Posted In: Organizational Structure, Research, Intelligence & Data Science, Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

Succession Planning Challenges – No Real Surprises Here

There is a well-deserved and surprising focus on succession planning within many law firms right now. The “well deserved” focus is justified because

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Posted In: Assessments, Talent Strategy

Small Firm vs. Large Firm Associate Satisfaction: Is There a Difference?

Midlevel associates at large law firms are happier than they have been in more than a decade,  according to American Lawyer’s recent Midlevel

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