July 21, 2015

Susan Raridon Lambreth

Co-Founding Principal

Carla Landry and I were recently asked to write for one of the Thomson Reuters Legal Executive Institute publications.  In doing that, we looked at a post Carla had written back in 2010 for our Hildebrandt Baker Robbins blog about whether lawyers can or should be project managers.  As much has changed in the way law firms and legal departments are implementing legal project management over the past 7 years, we thought it should be revisited and wrote “Should Lawyers be Project Managers?” 

So, please let us know:  How is your firm implementing LPM?  What roles do your lawyers play?  Do you have professionals who are legal project managers — from whatever background and what roles do they fill?  What works best in your organization?  We would love to hear from you.

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