Search Results for: roundtable

Posted In: Business Development, LawVision News

LawVision Group is Voted #1

LawVision Group has been voted “Best Lawyer/Law Firm Business Development & Coaching Firm” as part of the 5th annual 2016 Best of The

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23rd Annual Marketing Partner Forum

Craig Brown will be facilitating the roundtable “Carpe Diem: Transforming Sales Relationships through Pipeline Management” at the 23rd Marketing Partner Forum on Wednesday, January

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Law Firm Leaders Forum

Susan Raridon Lambreth is Co-Chairing the pre-conference Workshop “Enhancing Practice Group Performance & Profitability” at the Law Firm Leaders Forum on November 5th, 2014.

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Susan Raridon Lambreth

Susan Raridon Lambreth is a founding Principal at LawVision and is nationally recognized as one of the top leadership, practice group, and project

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Posted In: Business Development

Mind Share Equals Market Share

Given the exorbitant cost of television advertising during major events like the Final Four, Winter Olympics or the Super Bowl, have you ever

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Talent Strategy

Avoiding an Information Vacuum: How Law Firm Leaders Can Mitigate Negativity During a Downsizing

I recently authored an article for the March issue of the Association of Legal Administrators publication Legal Management entitled “Hope for the Best but

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Posted In: Assessments, Business Development, Culture & Diversity, Practice Group Management, Strategic Planning

Leading Through Market Disruption: Why Follow the Leader Is a Game of the Past

Imitation may be the greatest form of flattery, but it is one of the worst approaches to establishing market leadership in today’s rapidly

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Talent Strategy

Redefining “Nice” at Law Firms: The Interplay between Culture and Tenured Partner Underperformance

During our most recent LawVision Managing Partner Roundtable, a topic of common concern resurfaced, albeit this time with a slightly different spin.  Although

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