December 16, 2016

Susan Raridon Lambreth

Co-Founding Principal

Does part of your 2017 planning include finding a LPM technology solution to support your LPM/pricing initiatives? Or is it to find a method to develop and manage budgets more effectively?

If yes, then the newly published book “Legal Project Management – Increasing Adoption with Technology Solutions” by Susan Raridon Lambreth and David Rueff, Jr. will save you and your firm a tremendous amount of time in the “gathering information” phase. Instead of interviewing numerous colleagues/companies for basic information, this book provides a profile of 12 different tools so you can compare “apples-to-apples” and then, have calls or meetings to obtain more in-depth answers about how the tool fits your organization’s needs.

“Legal Project Management – Increasing Adoption with Technology Solutions” provides a list of questions that were developed by the authors over several years as they evaluated technology solutions and viewed demonstrations.  These questions will help you get preliminary answers about core tools and unique options that you may be considering.  The questions and responses will then help you refine your specifications or requirements for an LPM, budgeting or pricing technology solution.

We believe this book covers some of the best tools on the market today and it should save you and your firm a considerable amount of time gathering and reviewing information.


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