December 16, 2014

Mike Short

Co-Founding Principal

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.”   Albert Einstein

As 2014 winds down and we look toward 2015, we hope that you are approaching next year with great expectations and goals that are aspirational, achievable, inspiring, and shared with the teams around you (personal and professional) that bring you great joy and happiness.

We also hope that your joy and happiness is further fueled by a never-ending desire to learn, self-improve, and challenge the status-quo around you via innovative thinking – in a positive and constructive manner, of course. We have never met anyone who wasn’t proud of their innovations, but we have met many who were afraid to innovate.   There’s nothing to be afraid of…other than losing competitive ground to those who develop ideas similar to yours.

In the spirit of Einstein’s quote, we wish for you fond memories of the past, a happy and safe holiday season, and limitless hope in the future for good health, rewarding work and relationships, and the courage to push for change.

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