LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Archive for Strategic Planning Category

Posted In: Organizational Structure, Research, Intelligence & Data Science, Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

Succession Planning Challenges – No Real Surprises Here

There is a well-deserved and surprising focus on succession planning within many law firms right now. The “well deserved” focus is justified because

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Posted In: Mergers & Acquisitions, Practice Group Management, Research, Intelligence & Data Science, Strategic Planning

Something’s in the Air…

The creative and entrepreneurial juices in the legal industry are boiling in the early days of 2016, particularly in the litigation space. One

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Make 2016 a Year for Growth

As we enter 2016, continued uncertainty hovers over the legal industry, fueled in part by uncertainty in the greater national and world economies

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Posted In: Client Service, Compensation & Performance, Culture & Diversity, Legal Project Management, Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

10 Projects for Law Firms that Can Produce Big Results in 2016

Success often comes in a series of small steps…not one huge leap. Too many law firm partnerships try to address too many challenges

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Posted In: Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

5 Tips to Be a Better, Happier Firm: A New Year’s Resolution

For many, year-end is a time of reflection. A time for self-assessment, an opportunity to shed bad habits or embrace new ones. As

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Posted In: Compensation & Performance, Strategic Planning

The Perils of Law Firm Profitability… And Thoughts on Best Practices (Final Thoughts… For Now)

In my last two posts, “The Perils of Law Firm Profitability… And Thoughts on Best Practices,” and its follow-up, “Second Thoughts,” I discussed

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Posted In: Research, Intelligence & Data Science, Strategic Planning

Chasing Rainbows: Six Tips for Data-Driven Planning

It’s there at the end of the rainbow – the elusive pot of gold. All we need to do is follow this path…

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Posted In: Assessments, Strategic Planning

Speculation: Why Gaining Competitive Advantage Demands More than Efficiencies

As many traditional law firms grapple with how to do what they do now better or more efficiently, there are only a handful

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

The Perils of Profitability… and Thoughts on Best Practice

During a meeting last week of twenty or so Managing Partners from around the country, the conversation predictably turned to one of the

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Posted In: Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

The Invisible Impediment: Is Your Firm’s Culture Holding You Back?

Peter Drucker said it best. “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” In our rapidly evolving industry the need for and attention to firm-wide strategy

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