LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Archive for Legal Project Management Category

Posted In: Legal Project Management

LPM: Easing into Innovation

Innovate or die, they said. Well, you have a chief innovation officer, don’t you? Whether you do or you don’t, it turns out

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Posted In: Legal Process Improvement, Legal Project Management

ALSPs: It’s Not If You’ll Use Them, It’s How

Few people attend law school with the vision of spending most of their days on document review. Not that there’s anything wrong with

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Posted In: Legal Project Management, Uncategorized

The Role of Business Development in Legal Project Management

This article was first published May 26, 2021 in PinHawk’s Law Firm Marketing Brief. In my recent interviews with speakers for the upcoming Global

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Posted In: Legal Project Management, Uncategorized

LPM – On the Cusp of Explosion?

On the way to the upcoming Global LPM Summit, some interesting themes are emerging. There will be over 75 speakers sharing their best

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Posted In: Legal Project Management

A Growing LPM Community – In All Parts of the Legal Ecosystem

The LPM community is growing. It’s what I expected years even prior to my interview with Bill Josten of Thomson Reuters in 2018.

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Posted In: Law Firm Resilience, Legal Project Management, Profitability, Team Performance

How Legal Project Management Can Tackle Stress and Burnout Attrition

Let’s talk about stress. We already know that legal project management (LPM) plays a critical role in boosting law firm profitability and enhancing

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Posted In: Legal Process Improvement, Legal Project Management

Lawyers and Decisions: So Many Choices, So Little Time

This post was first published January 20, 2021 in PinHawk’s Daily Administrator. Decision fatigue. It actually is a thing. It has been a

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Legal Project Management

A New (and Unexpected) Tool for Improving Diversity and Inclusion — Legal Project Management

This post was first published January 6, 2021 in PinHawk’s Legal Administrator Daily. By Susan Raridon Lambreth and Dr. Maria-Vittoria Carminati Legal project

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Posted In: Legal Process Improvement, Legal Project Management, Talent Strategy, Team Performance

Empowering Lawyer Personalities for Successful Legal Process Improvement

This post first appeared October 26, 2020 on PinHawk’s Legal Administrator Daily. People crave normalcy right now. Yet, here you come with a

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Posted In: Legal Process Improvement, Legal Project Management

To ALSP or Not. It’s Just Part of the Question

This post originally appeared December 14, 2020 in Legal Administrator Daily. Everything is a process, even, as the pandemic reminds us, hand hygiene.

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