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Archive for Legal Project Management Category

Posted In: Legal Project Management

Legal Project Management Isn’t a Silver Bullet, But it May Be a Superpower

There are many tools and templates in traditional project management to help companies plan, scope, budget, and report work with great precision. Businesses

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Posted In: Legal Project Management

Legal Project Management and the Baylor Law’s R6 Framework

Baylor Law’s Executive LL.M. in Litigation Management is the only such program in the country. Their first class in the fall of 2018

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Posted In: Legal Project Management

LPM: Bringing it Home After All These Years

In the words of the late, great baseball Yankees Hall of Famer, Yogi Berra, “It’s like deja vu all over again.” That’s how

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Posted In: Legal Project Management

LPM Is For Individual Lawyers Too: Here’s What You Should Know

A Bloomberg Law article included this quote: “Any lawyer who has ever managed a matter or planned a budget has acted as a

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Posted In: Legal Project Management

Legal Project Management: The Second Generation

LPM is going places, according to the speakers at the recent LPM Global Summit. If you missed the Summit, replays are available here

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Posted In: Legal Project Management

A Growing LPM Community – Part 5 in a Series – Buy-in is Key to LPM Success

In part 5 of our series, we again have some words of wisdom from our Global LPM Summit speakers. This time the question

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Posted In: Legal Project Management

A Growing LPM Community – Part 4 in a Series – When Relevance is the Question, LPM is the Answer

In part 3 of our series, we touted the one word response of our Global LPM Summit speaker David Rueff, Chief Solutions Officer

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Posted In: Legal Project Management, Uncategorized

A Growing LPM Community – Part 3 in a Series – Legal Project Management: Beyond Efficiency to Strategy

At the recent Global LPM Summit, we asked our speakers for a word or phrase that best captures LPM. We may be a

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Posted In: Legal Project Management

A Growing LPM Community – Part 2 in a Series: When Should You Rollout LPM to the Masses? It’s About Demand

Whoever said go big or go home surely wasn’t talking about legal project management (LPM). But maybe they should have been. Though the

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Posted In: Legal Project Management

A Growing LPM Community – Part 1 of a Series

Like many good ideas, it started with a few early adopters. But now legal project management is more than just the flavor of

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