LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Archive for Business Development Category

Posted In: Business Development, Client Service, Legal Sales

Ten Tips to Add Octane to Your Business Development/Client Retention Activities

In tough economic times, business development takes on added importance. Here are some truly simple, yet often overlooked ways of adding some fuel

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Posted In: Business Development, Client Service, Legal Sales

21 Law Firm Business Development Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make During a Pandemic

During the battle of Bunker Hill in the revolutionary war, General George Washington launched three failed attempts to take control of the high

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Posted In: Business Development, Client Service

Say What?!  Topics to Keep Conversations with Clients Moving Forward

By now, your firm and its lawyers have decided whether or not it is appropriate to reach out to clients and prospective clients

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Posted In: Business Development, Client Service

Law Firm Business Development: Building Business by Removing Roadblocks

We have the opportunity to work with many great partners from many firms to help them with their relationship-building and sales pursuits. One

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Posted In: Business Development, Client Service

Law Firm Business Development: Industry Team Best Practice Tip #2

As I referenced in my March blog, there has been a shift in law firms over the past few years from individual-focused business

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Posted In: Business Development, Client Service, Legal Sales

“My Conference Was Cancelled; Now What?” How to Salvage Missing a Networking Opportunity

Okay, you planned to go to an industry conference to do some much-needed networking. You had high hopes of meeting new people, securing

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Posted In: Business Development, Client Service

5 Things You Must Do to Increase Law Firm Top-line Revenue in a Pandemic

The French have a saying: “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose”  Which roughly translated means (and pardon my French) “The more

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: 4 Tips to Keep Your Business Away from the Competition

I was speaking with a salesperson from a law firm a few weeks ago who was concerned if they would be able to

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Posted In: Business Development, Client Service

Law Firm Business Development: Industry Team Best Practice #1

As I referenced in my previous blog post, there has been a shift in law firms over the past few years from individual-focused

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Posted In: Business Development, Leadership Support & Development

Be Careful, Working Remotely Carries Risks. Know How to Avoid Them.

By now, most of us are beginning to get proficient, if not still a tad frustrated, at working remotely.  To add a little

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