November 26, 2013

Joe Altonji

Co-Founding Principal

Thanksgiving is here again.  If you are like me you are wondering:  “What happened to the year?”   Thanksgiving marks the starting line for the race to year-end – generally the busiest and most hectic time for law firm leaders everywhere.  By most indications, 2013 has been yet another challenging year in the legal profession, with continued pressures on demand, pricing and economics.  But in spite of challenges, we have plenty to be thankful for – as an industry, as individuals, and as a nation – and at this time of Thanksgiving we hope you will take the time to remember a few of the blessings we share:

  • A country where, we as a people share a fundamental belief in the rule of law and the power of justice for all.  These beliefs and traditions are the cornerstone to economic success of our country, and as an industry, we share a stewardship for these beliefs, but also benefit greatly from this role.
  • The opportunity, every day, to work for and with some of the most capable and challenging people of our society – both our clients and our colleagues.
  • An industry where, in spite of the pressures, the blessings have been enormous.  Few other industries so consistently, and universally, reward their participants.
  • The opportunity to grow and remake ourselves continuously throughout our careers – and every incentive to do so.
  • The ability to succeed by contributing to the greater good of our country.

We have all been blessed in these and so many other ways.  At this time of Thanksgiving, we at LawVision Group are particularly thankful for you, our clients and friends, whose continued support has meant so much to us.

On behalf of all of us at LawVision Group, thank you.  We wish you, your families and your colleagues a very Happy Thanksgiving, and a successful finish to 2013.

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