November 22, 2017

Joe Altonji

Co-Founding Principal

Thanksgiving is here again – just a bit earlier this year than usual.   As I sit in Chicago looking out at the dark grey skies, I can’t help but think that winter is coming – soon.  It’s hard to believe another year is almost over.  For law firm leaders, those thoughts often get buried in the urgency of year end.   As soon as the holiday is over you will be buried in the rush. There is so much to do – compensation, collections, budgeting, getting the work done.   We could go on.

As has been true for most of the past decade, this year will end mixed – some good, some bad.  The economy is stronger now than it has been in some time, but pressures from clients remain strong.  Demographic, succession and strategic challenges face every firm.  The demand for “change” remains constant.   Whether your 2017 is great or less than great, you will all enter 2018 with a driving need to start all over again.  It’s very easy get caught up in the constant press of firm demands.

But Thanksgiving is a time to step back, and to give thanks for the many blessings we enjoy.  Some of those blessings this profession works hard to protect.  Despite our differences, we as a people share a fundamental belief in the rule of law and the power of justice for all.  As members of the legal profession and industry, we share a stewardship for these critical values.  Without them, there would be little reason for our industry to exist.

Here at LawVision we also have much to be thankful for:

  • First and foremost, our clients and friends in the industry. We are privileged to be able to work with every one of you. Without you, there would be no LawVision
  • Our colleagues, who challenge us daily and help us succeed,
  • The many, many thinkers, tinkerers, visionaries and others, some strangers, some friends and some friendly competitors, all of whom force us to do better, to up our game and continuously strive to improve our value. Keep it up!
  • Our families and friends, who make it all worthwhile, and
  • Our country, where we all can be the best that we can be!

On behalf of all of us at LawVision Group, thank you.  We wish you, your families and your colleagues a very Happy Thanksgiving, and: a successful finish to 2017!

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