LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Posts Tagged ‘billable hours’

Posted In: Strategic Planning

It’s Three Weeks into Decade Two.  Do You Know Where Your Firm Is?

We’re just three weeks into the second decade since the crash of Lehman and the end of life as we once knew it

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

You Can Ignore This Post…  If You Are Satisfied with How Your Firm is Doing

We’re coming up on the 10th year-end closing since the financial crash got rolling, and as many as two-thirds of American law firms

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Strategy and the 4th Quarter:  Can Law Firms Use This Time to Advance the Strategic Agenda?

It’s hard to believe but it’s here – the fourth quarter.  The time when most law firms become intensely focused on the immediate,

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Q2 – The Bellwether of Annual Performance for Law Firms

Last month I posed the question, “What if you didn’t hit budget in 2016?” This month, I want to look forward into 2017

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