A forum for energetic and strategic discussion
Our Practice Group Professionals Roundtable is designed to provide individuals who work closely with department heads, practice group leaders, and other law firm partners in practice management positions with a forum for energetic and strategic discussion. It is the only organization for the new and growing roles in practice management and business managers for law firm departments and practice groups. All discussions are confidential to the Roundtable members.
The goal of the Roundtable is to bring together individuals in similar roles to share ideas and experiences in their positions, participate in interactive presentations led by guest speakers, and discuss the best practices their firms are implementing. The Roundtable now meets two times a year in person and two virtually.
Topics addressed during our meetings have included:
- Creating and implementing effective business plans
- Building high-performing practice groups
- Understanding the engagement of group members to increase retention and commitment
- Enhancing delegation and supervision
- Using financial metrics and dashboards
- Enhancing lateral hire recruitment and retention
- Running effective practice group meetings and
- Best practices in running a successful practice group.
Click HERE to download.
We are committed to giving you even more.
- Two hybrid meetings: We will hold two in-person/hybrid meetings (March – Washington, DC, and November –Washington, DC or Nashville) with cocktail receptions. For the in-person meetings, Tier 1 members can have up to 2 people attend in-person or virtually, and Tier 2 members can have up to 5 people attend in-person and unlimited virtual attendees. Starting in 2025, the plan is to meet in NYC in the spring and DC in the fall as pre-pandemic.
- Two virtual meetings: We have added these additional sessions without the cost of travel. For virtual meetings, Tier 1 members can have up to 2 people attend, and Tier 2 members can have unlimited attendees.
- One Veterans Meeting: This will be offered at no additional cost.
- One Bootcamp: This will be offered at no additional cost before the first day of the hybrid meeting in the spring.
Continued benefits:
- Access to prior meeting recordings and documents in the member portal
- Access to the LinkedIn PGP Roundtable group
- 20-percent discount on all open programs offered by LawVision and Positive Pricing (including single enrollment in the online LPM courses)
All meetings will be designed to include facilitated conversations based on topics suggested by the members. The sessions will focus on topics of specific interest to the group. The in-person meetings will include a professional development segment to be presented by a well-known authority on relevant topics for the members’ roles. Time will also be built for roundtable sharing among members on issues of specific interest to the members. The in-person meeting schedule will run from noon one day through lunch the second day, enabling many people to fly in and out in two days.
Click HERE to download.
Membership in the Roundtable is by invitation, but expressions of interest are always welcome. Please contact Lead Team Member Susan Raridon Lambreth > slambreth@lawvision.com or Program & Roundtable Director Eva Booth > eva.booth@lawvision.com for information on membership fees. The fee will be billed upon acceptance of membership and thereafter annually in December of each year. Membership also includes all meals at the live meetings (breakfast and lunch).